Frequently Asked Questions

Where am I?

You’re reading Views from the Choir Loft, a blog/newsletter/podcast/secret society about the intersection of many different ideas and disconnected musings.

Who are you?

I’m Luke. I’m the perpetually sleepy grad student and musician behind this whole affair. I play the organ and sing and occasionally dig my ukulele out of the closet to play some Death Cab for Cutie song I suddenly remembered.

Why should I read this?

Well, there are certainly many other things you could be doing with your time, so I can only hope to inspire a wry smile or perhaps even a chuckle and some self-reflection. You can be the judge of that!

How do I subscribe?

Why does this question make me feel like a YouTuber. Anyway, this website like to plaster subscribe buttons all about so all you have to do is find one and click it. Then each post will either go to your email inbox (very convenient) or your feed here on Substack. The archives of the past can be found here.

You can also subscribe via RSS which is the cool old fashioned way to do it, you just won’t get the nifty paid subscriber perks whenever I figure those out.

Subscribe to Notes from the Choir Loft

Ravings, musings, reflections, and tomfoolery.
